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ROWA Masterbatch supplies a power version of violet


The color specialists from the American Pantone institute have reached their decision: 2018 will be a dramatic year – at least in terms of color.

Pinneberg/Germany, May 9th, 2018 – Every year, the experts who monitor influences and trends in all kinds of design fields, from catwalks to the automotive industry, choose a symbolic color that best reflects the zeitgeist, the needs and desires. Ultra Violet has been chosen as this year’s color. According to Pantone, the present day is characterized by ingenuity, originality, creativity and visionary thinking – all of which are perfectly expressed by Ultra Violet. It is a complex and contemplative color that can help one expand one’s mental horizon – or at least this is what the experts think.

What is much more apparent, in the truest sense of the word, is that Ultra Violet is a versatile color that creates different impressions depending on the combination and type of material. In combination with metallic or yellow tones, Ultra Violet takes on a luxurious and shimmering look, whereas with green and blue tones or copper it exudes more natural elegance. As a single color too, together with lavender or fuchsia tones as well as many other lilac tones, it has a strong effect on the observer. And it is precisely this multifaceted appeal that makes Ultra Violet so popular with designers, decorators and consumers: decorative elements in the trend color lend a home very different atmospheres depending on the combination, giving living rooms or kitchens an exciting, extravagant flair, for example. And this can also affect our inner soul because according to the chakra teaching, violet stands for the highest energy center in the body and inner balance. This means that anyone who rear-ranges their own four walls accordingly this year will be brimfull of energy and ideas! And it is not just our spirit that delights in the color Ultra Violet, we can also do our body a lot of good with violet-colored foods. Because their coloring is due to one of the most important antioxidants – anthocyanin. It is claimed that this improves eyesight, lowers the cholesterol level and blood pressure, protects the heart and has an antiphlogistic effect, amongst other things – more than enough reasons for a delicious egg plant soufflé!

ROWA Masterbatch too has added the color of the year to its portfolio. After all, the company is a specialist when it comes to producing thermoplastic materials in almost any color, according to individual wishes and color trends. Consequently, customers receive bespoke ROWALID® masterbatches – and as of this year in Ultra Violet too, of course.

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