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Mário Coelho Quimica appointed as Market Development Partner in Portugal


On July, 1st 2015, ROMIRA appointed Mário Coelho Quimica as the Market Development Partner for Portugal. Founded in 1972 by Mr. Mário Coehlo, Mário Coelho Quimica is today one of the main family owned distribution companies in Portugal for the plastic and rubber market and part of the MC Group. Situated in Porto, the MC Group serves the Portuguese and Spanish market with 48 dedicated employees and offers an excellent infrastructure for customers and principles.

Pinneberg/Germany, September 22nd, 2015 - “The Portuguese, as the Spanish plastic industries, have suffered a lot in past few years from the crisis but in the recent months both markets are showing strong signs of resilience. Therefore, after more than 10 years of loose cooperation with the MC Group, a point was reached to bring the relationship of MC and ROMIRA to the next level” Stig Lindström, General Manager of ROMIRA explains the decision. “With deep knowledge of our product portfolio, the excellent expertise of the Portuguese plastic market and its dedicated and well trained sales team the Mário Coehlo Group is the perfect partner for our growth plans in Portugal” he further underlines. Pedro Aires, General Manager of MC Plastic Division adds: “This is the right step for the MC Group as the products of ROMIRA will complete our portfolio and the ability of ROMIRA to react fast and to offer individual tailored products for several sectors and applications fits perfectly into our dynamic market approach and our focus on superior customer service”. Intense product training for the sales team of Mário Coehlo is planed to happen within the next weeks on ROMIRAs site in Pinneberg, Germany. 

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